Collect Stories and Oral Histories

Invite Native Americans to share their stories with your class or school
Contact the Native American Studies department of a tribal college, the tribal Cultural Committee or tribal museum on an Indian Reservation in your area to invite elders to come and share their stories with your class or school.  If there is a tribal language immersion school on a reservation in your area, contact them as well. 

From Native Americans in person or online
Meet, discuss, or write in advance what you would like Native American volunteers to share about their experiences.  This can include growing up, speaking their Native language, walking in two worlds, the history of their tribe, living on a reservation, if and how they have been discriminated against, forcing Native American children into boarding schools, taking part in cultural ceremonies and what they feel is sacred.  Have students write questions in advance, if appropriate. 
From your family  
Meet, discuss or write family members to find out what part of the world your ancestors came from, what language(s) they spoke or speak, their cultural heritage and traditions and how they are observed or honored, if and how they have been discriminated against, what religion your family practices, what it feels is sacred, etc. 

Students can contrast and compare their own family stories to those of your Native American volunteers, discussing similarities and differences.