Walking Together:
Family and Heritage

The Young family shares their family's heritage, history and experiences living in an urban community. Most Native Americans live off of reservations, so it can be challenging to maintain cultural practices. Ways of life vary from family to family.
* Click the square icon in the bottom right corner of the video player to watch the video full screen.  Hit "Esc" to return to main video page.

For a full inquiry-based lesson click here

Writing and Discussion Questions

1. What are ancestral homelands?
2. Where are your ancestral homelands?
3. Why is it important to acknowledge the ancestral homelands of Native American tribes?
4. What American Indian tribes historically and currently call the area where you live “home?”
5. How have you learned about your own family’s history and cultural heritage?
6. Who is the most important person in your life? Explain.
7. What are some cultural practices you and your family participate in?
8. Using examples from this video, why might some Native Americans feel like they are “not enough?”
9. Why might it be difficult to be of mixed heritage as Kiona discussed?
10. Explain why and how the Federal government’s relocation of Native Americans made it difficult for many to connect with their culture.


Research Topics

1. What is “blood quantum?”
2. What methods do some tribal nations use to determine membership?
3. Ancestral/Family trees
4. Federal Indian Relocation Act
5. Historical research of tribes who lived/live in the area near you