Walking Between Two Worlds: Tiyapo's Story
Preparing for the Future

Tiyapo discusses his plans for the future and lessons he has learned from family and teachers in his community.
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For a full inquiry-based lesson click here

Discussion and Writing Questions

Note: Select what is appropriate for your class.

There is great diversity in language, culture, history and government among American Indian tribes.  Each tribe has a distinct and unique heritage that contributes to the vitality and diversity of modern life.

  1. Is school important to Tiyapo? What makes you say that? Discuss the things Tiyapo has shared about his school.
  2. How have Tiyapo’s parents and teachers influenced the kind of person he is and his hopes for the future? Is there someone you have learned an important life lesson from? Who and what did you learn from them?
  3. What kind of job would Tiyapo like to have when he grows up? Do you think he will succeed in his career goals? Why/why not? What challenges might stand in the way of his success?
  4. Tiyapo shares setting a goal for college and how one of his teachers helped him achieve it. Do you think it is important to set goals? Why/why not?
  5. Consider your own education and your career thoughts or goals. What have you learned in school that will help you achieve your goals? Is there a particular teacher or other person who has helped you become a better student or person? Discuss.
  6. What are your favorite classes and what do you enjoy about them?
  7. What other activities does Tiyapo take part in at school? Do you play sports or enjoy other activities at school? Discuss.
  8. How are you and Tiyapo alike in terms of your schools, teachers, classes, goal setting and sports?