Walking Together:
Life During the Pandemic

Life for Americans during the COVID-19 pandemic significantly changed. The Young family talks about their struggles, experiences and how they adapted.
* Click the square icon in the bottom right corner of the video player to watch the video full screen.  Hit "Esc" to return to main video page.

For a full inquiry-based lesson click here

Discussion and Writing Questions

  1. What were some difficulties Tank and Kiona experienced during the pandemic?
  2. How did the pandemic change your everyday life?
  3. How could not having the internet or a strong internet connection affect distance learning?
  4. What other ways could distance learning affect your ability to learn?
  5. What are some ways the Young family spent their time during the pandemic?
  6. What are some things you did during the pandemic? Did you try any new activities? If so, what?


Research Topics

  1. How the COVID-19 pandemic has affected learning across the country
  2. COVID-19 pandemic in Native American communities
  3. Internet and broadband shortages in Native American communities
  4. National Parks located near you and/or Native American communities
  5. Native American health centers in urban communities