Walking Between Two Worlds: Tiyapo's Story
Loss of Family

Tiyapo talks about the loss of his grandfather and his thoughts on dealing with the death of a loved one.
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For a full inquiry-based lesson click here

Discussion and Writing Questions

Note: Select what is appropriate for your class.

There is great diversity in language, culture, history and government among American Indian tribes. Each tribe has a distinct and unique heritage that contributes to the vitality and diversity of modern life.

  1. If someone you loved has died, how did their death make you feel? What do you miss about this person? What did you learn from this person?
  2. Describe how Tiyapo discusses his grandfather’s death. How did the way Tiyapo shared his grandfather’s death make you feel?
  3. A funeral and burial or cremation ceremonies may be part of your culture. How did Tiyapo help prepare his grandfather for cremation? Why was this so difficult for him?
  4. How did Tiyapo and his father follow tribal customs when dealing with the death?
  5. What are your family customs for dealing with death?
  6. What will Tiyapo miss about his grandfather?
  7. Why was Tiyapo’s grandfather proud of him?
  8. How are you and Tiyapo alike in terms of dealing with death?