Walking Together:
Culture and Community

The Young family talks about powwows, their dancing and the importance of urban community cultural centers. Native Americans have been gathering for cultural and community renewal for thousands of years.
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For a full inquiry-based lesson click here

Discussion and Writing Questions

  1. What is culture? Why is it important for individuals and communities to continue practicing their culture?
  2. Who is a tribal “elder?” Why is it important to respect and care for elders?
  3. What is a powwow? Explain something you might find at a powwow.
  4. Have you ever attended a powwow? If so, where and what was your experience?
  5. Powwows are different from ceremonies. Research why/how and explain.
  6. How does your family practice and/or celebrate its cultural heritage?
  7. Why is dancing important to Tank and Kiona?
  8. What is regalia?
  9. Was it a surprise to you that Tank had only visited an American Indian reservation once? If so, why?
  10. Why might American Indians consider it offensive when non-Native people dress up in what non-Natives consider to be Native costumes?


Research Topics

  1. Differences in dancing, songs and regalia among tribes
  2. American Indian Colonization Era
  3. Native American Treaty Era
  4. American Indian Assimilation Era
  5. Native American Boarding School Era
  6. American Indian Termination and Relocation Era
  7. Native American Self-Determination Era
  8. American Indian Sports and Games
  9. Name and describe any Native American community and/or cultural centers in your area.